
Wednesday 8 March 2017

Meeting Katherine Ryan

Not that long ago, my friend introduced me to the hilarious (but also kinda offensive 😉) comedy from Katherine Ryan - I was immediately hooked. I can't even count how many times I've already watched her Netflix special and it's only been on there for about 3 weeks! Her humour is often quite brutal, but let's face it, she says what we're all thinking! Yesterday, Georgia and I were able to travel to the ITV studios in London to be in the audience for the filming of an episode of 'Your Face Or Mine', presented by Jimmy Carr and Katherine Ryan!

After an early start and a 4 hour journey, we arrived in London. Being the sad people that we are, we went straight to the studios (3 and a half hours early...) to wait at the front of the queue! We tweeted Katherine to let her know that we were there and we even watched her Netflix special while we waited.
Thankfully the weather was kind to us and the sun was out for most of the afternoon! We were still freezing cold though, and after not having any interactions with Katherine on twitter, we feared that she hadn't seen our tweets and we went into the studios (where we weren't allowed on our phones) just hoping for the best.
We had no idea what to expect from the show, since it hasn't been on TV for years and we'd never watched it, but it was absolutely hilarious!
We freaked out as soon as we spotted Katherine, she looked so perfect! The show started and the couple on the show happened to be from Peterborough (where Georgia lives) and we couldn't believe it! We even ended up on the same train home as one of the guests from the show! 😂
The funniest parts of the filming were the extras that they'll have to cut out for being too inappropriate, so it's a shame that they won't get shown, but the actual parts that will be aired are so funny also!

The filming ended and people began to leave, but Katherine spotted us in the audience and waved - then signaled for us to wait!! We were absolutely freaking out. So we went to the side where one of the staff asked us to leave, but a guy from the team came over and said that he'd been sent by Katherine to make sure that we don't get kicked out because she wanted to see us!! We could not believe it at all. She came over to chat to us, straight away gave us both a hug and before long we were the only ones left in the studio! After having a lovely little chat with Katherine, she let us take photos and then stole Georgia's snapchat and put a video on her story!!
Katherine is so lovely and friendly, it was so amazing to talk to her. I constantly watch her comedy to pick myself up when I'm down and I can honestly say that it was an honour to meet her (and even hug her, twice!!). It was such a long day, but I'd happily do it all over again for her because a smile did not leave my face even for a second yesterday.

Thank you Kathbum, keep doing you. Love you forever xxx

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