
Sunday 20 March 2016

15 Reasons To Smile

Today is international day of happiness, so I thought I'd write a post that will hopefully help people to smile if they're struggling to find a reason to be happy. Whether you continue to read this post or not, take a moment to simply smile. Even forcing one can lift your mood! I hope everyone can find at least one reason to smile today, but if not, here's some reasons to help you out...

Someone loves you. You've made an impact on someone's life, whether you realise it or not. The point is, if you were gone, someone would miss you.

You are healthy. You have the ability to do whatever you want to do, nothing is impossible!

It's the first day of spring, and you know what that means! Summer is right around the corner. Who doesn't love a bit of sunshine and going on holiday?

Smiling is beautiful. A smile that lasts for 5 seconds can make a photo look beautiful, so imagine what a permanent smile can do to your life!

You're strong. Whatever you are going through, you are fighting it. You are inspiring so many people around you whether you think you are or not.

You have an amazing future ahead of you. This is only the beginning, you've got the rest of your life to live! Anything could happen. The rest of your life is a long time, enjoy it!

You made it this far, that's something to be proud of. You hung in there when you thought it was all too much and you survived. You can keep surviving!

Your friends love you. And they're here for you!

Live music. There are so many more opportunities out there for you to see your favourite singer/band. That feeling when you're in the crowd and they're singing your favourite song, all the worries just lift away. Think of that moment, and smile.

Your family care about you. They are here to support you through anything and they love you no matter what!

Chocolate. It's quite simple, chocolate=happiness. Not having a great day? Go treat yourself to a big bar of your favourite chocolate!

Happiness is contagious. Smile and the world smiles with you!

You are good enough! Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

You deserve to be happy. Believe that! You deserve a life that is beautiful and filled with smiles.

Most importantly, you are alive. Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? It's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Never forget that!
I really hope you are able to smile, not only today, but everyday of your life!

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